9668 Westheimer Rd Ste 200-252 Houston Tx, 77063
Before you move and as you pack, you should inspect your items for any presence of cockroaches and other pests like bed bugs. As you pack your checked items, remove them from your current apartment. You’ll want to launder your clothes and linens, shake out shoes and electronics, vacuum everything as you pack. If you are washing your laundry in a place outside of the apartment, pack it there. Do not take it back to the infested apartment to pack.
Original Article Source Credits: the spruce,
Article Written By: Diane Schmidt
Original Article Posted on: 06/29/20
Link to Original Article: https://www.thespruce.com/move-without-taking-the-bugs-2436420
Address: 9668 Westheimer Rd Ste 200-252 Houston Tx, 77063
Phone: (832) 791-0324
Email: steriltechpro@gmail.com